bedford international athletic stadium
We’re heading back to the stadium for this year’s Tabletop Expo. The space has been opened up and the layout has been tweaked for a more streamlined visit with a simpler floorplan to find exactly what you’re looking for!
Get in the zone!
zones of interest
After last year’s feedback, we’re moving things around to make sure you can find what you’re looking for. Scale models, wargaming, RPGs and more will all be grouped into their relevant zones alongside the Family Zone (A new addition for this year’s Expo). Spend less time searching and more time gaming!
food and drink
The ever popular burger van will make it’s return this year with the onsite cafe and bar being under new management too. Food and drinks will be served through both days with the bar staying open for the evening on Saturday too. Keep an eye out in the hall for traders with sweet treats and geeky themed snacks.